Federal Tax Credits Extended for EV in Delaware
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebates
State EV Charging Incentive
As part of the Delaware Clean Transportation Incentive Program, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control offers rebates for new EVSE purchased between July 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022. For more information, visit the Delaware government website page: Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Rebates.
Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Credit
State EV Charging Incentive
Retail electricity customers with at least one grid-integrated electric vehicle (EV) may qualify to receive kilowatt-hour credits for energy discharged to the grid from the EV’s battery at the same rate that the customer pays to charge the battery. A grid-integrated EV is defined as a battery-powered motor vehicle that has the ability for two-way power flow between the vehicle and the electric grid as well as communications hardware and software that allow for external control of battery charging and discharging. (Reference Delaware Code Title 26, Chapter 10, Section 1001 and 1014g).